Wednesday, 17 February 2016


I have been blogging for three years.  It began with a need to find something creative to keep my life in balance when our son was so ill.
I love the way blogging keeps my mind actively reflecting on books.  Instead of going to a sad place, I try to contemplate the book that I am reading and think about blogging.
And so, blogging has been in some ways a new birth for me- a new birth of activity and ideas, a new opportunity to enjoy and appreciate books on another level.
I am delighted that I was able to get permission to post this adorable picture from a fellow blogger. Check out her blog: Avid Reader's Musings.

Photo by Laurel Hasner Photography
Melissa is the mother of this beautiful baby and she is the blogger at Avid Readers's Musings.  The word avid does not adequately describe Melissa.  She is WAY beyond avid.  I have never heard of anyone with her reading history.  I enjoy reading end of year statistics and her list really shocked me!  Take a look!

Number of Books You Read: 164 
Number of Pages You Read: 53,043 
Number of Re-Reads: 17 
Genre You Read The Most From: Literary Fiction  
Percentage of Female Authors: 56% 
Percentage of Library Books: 50% 
Percentage of New to Me Authors: 50% 
Percentage of Nonfiction: 28%

But there is more!  Melissa joined "The Shakespeare Project". 
 Here is what she says:
"For years I've slowly been working my way through the complete works of William Shakespeare.  In addition to reading his plays, my goal is to see a live performance and a film version (when available) of each one. " 

This is not the only project that Melissa is involved in. She also is part of "Back To The Classics Challenge".  And I discovered that we do have one thing in common-
 we both love Thomas Hardy!
 Since I have explored every state, 
I would love to do the "Reading the States" challenge.
Melissa lives in the midwest of the U.S.A. and has information on her blog about this challenge.

Isn't she fascinating!  Melissa is taking a break from blogging to enjoy her baby girl.
How lucky is that baby to have "Avid Reader" for her mother!

1 comment:

  1. Betty, thank you for your kind words! Like you I've loved having a blog as a creative outlet! I hope my little girl will become a lifelong reader too!
