Monday, 23 February 2015

Read it again

  When the Monday Night Book Club  chose their books for 2015, I realized that I had already read 7 out of the 12 books chosen.  So I will be re-reading those 7 books.
  On first reading a new novel, I think you look for the plot and immerse yourself in the characters.  But, on second reading, you discover details.  So, really good books are always better on the second reading.  Lots of interesting detail and wonderful language.

I have just re-read "The Rosie Project".  It's a perfect book for book clubs because great books are nearly always deep and sad. Book clubs would like something fun and different.  This is it!
It is such a light, fun book that I forgot a great deal from a year ago when I read it.  But I'm happy to read it again.
A professor with Asperger's syndrome is looking for a wife.  Fun idea!
It's not my favourite, but certainly is light and fun.
Fellow blogger Sue has written a review that you can read if you click here.
She also read the follow-up book.  Click here.

I will re-read this book any day.  "Annabel" is just a really great read.  It does have some sadness, but is beautifully written.
I particularly love this cover.  It seems to reflect the ethereal nature of this novel about Labrador.  The landscape and lifestyle are important for this story.  While I was reading this book, I felt as though I was wrapped in a blanket of story- story about Labrador.  I felt that the characters were secondary- even though they are definitely important and very fascinating.
This book was one of the Canada Reads finalists last year, but really could be a selection for this year because this year's subject is:  "Books that can change perspectives, challenge stereotypes and illuminate issues".

Here is another cover for the same book "Annabel", but it looks sinister.
Although the story is about a boy, this cover does not reflect any of the content of the book.  It looks out of place and gratuitous.  The book centres around a physical anomaly, but it is dealt with it an ethereal manner rather than a gratuitous one.
What is male?  What is female?  Surprisingly, many babies are born with a gender that is ambiguous.  The internet claims one in 2000 babies.  That doesn't seem right to me, but this book beautifully tells what it would be like to be born 'different'.

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