Sunday, 14 July 2019

A new kind of book club

Have you heard of a silent book club?
   The first silent book club was started in San Francisco in 2012 by Guinevere de la Mare and Laura Gluhanich.   
   There are now more that 60 chapters- some in Toronto.
   Silent book clubs choose public places- mostly coffee shops.  Each person brings a book along.  They begin by giving each person a chance to briefly describe what they are reading and what they plan to read.  Then there is an hour of SILENCE.  They read uninterrupted and undistracted.  When the time is up, some leave, others hang around and talk.

Quote: "To have a silent place to read for a whole uninterrupted hour, you really get into the book you're reading and that encourages you to finish the book".

  Silent book clubs are felt to be a stress-free alternative to traditional book clubs because you don't have a deadline to finish a book, no need to answer questions and enter into discussion, and no one needs to host the group.

Quote: "I love seeing the same faces month after month.  I've met so many people and made lasting friendships with people who have been coming to SBC for years, which is funny to think that you can become such good friends with people who get together once a month not to talk." (Guinevere de la Mare).

   Jo Nelson, one of the organizers in Toronto, had been a part of a book club where the members complained about the book choices.
   She describes her SBC group this way: "Members sit around conjoined tables at a coffee shop, in the area of Danforth Avenue and Main Street, in a spot marked with a sign that reads "Reserved for Book Club", on a Saturday morning every month and share what they brought to read before the silent reading hour.  We've got a pact.  You have permission to read for an hour with no other interruptions.  So far, readers have brought upwards of 300 different books to the meetings."

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