Set in Germany during the Second World War, this story is about a girl whose family decided to hide a Jewish man in their basement.
I decided to buy the book but it sat on my shelf until this week. I have suggested it for one of my book clubs and now I have to prepare to lead the discussion.
The novel is full of foreshadowing and Erika disliked that. I also felt that it was annoying at the beginning, but after awhile, I felt that it was 'endearing'. Yes, that is the word that I want. It seems to add to the quirkiness of the book. And it is quirky! With death as the narrator, how can it be anything else? But it's written for teens and I think it works for youth fiction.
The author, Markus Zusak, lives in Australia. I think it's important to notice that his mother was from Germany and his father was born in Austria.
Zusak has written 6 books. "The Book Thief" was published in 2005 and has been translated into more than 30 languages. It was made into a film in 2013. This movie is available from our local library, but the book is so emotional that I am not anxious to see the movie. Too sad!
This really is a spectacular book! It showed so clearly the worst of humanity and the best of humanity. And, of course, the setting is real- Germany, beginning in 1939.
The title reflects the main theme of this novel: books, the importance of words.
Human nature and the importance of words. Can it get any better than that? I am looking forward to this discussion!