You may be pleased to know that I am ready to come out of that rabbit hole. I have rambled on about antimaterialism, radical simplicity, living off the grid, sustainable living, the solitary life, ecological footprint, organic gardening, and on and on. Perhaps it has been of interest to you, and perhaps not.
One thing is clear. Every life is different and we can appreciate but not evaluate another person's life.
I will end with another Thoreau quote: "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away".
And a quote from "The Man Who Quit Money": "It's possible to compromise. The gamut of those who take to heart the concept of living simply is wider than Suelo and the freegans. And it's crammed with people who don't want to boycott everything; they just want to buy less junk and do less harm."
A good slogan is:
"work less, live more, and consume more consciously".
Well, I am ready to climb out of the rabbit hole, but will continue to consider "What makes a good life?" Part of my 'good life' is reading. Where will I go next?
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