Monday, 18 January 2016

Eclectic reading

This week I find that I have three books on the go.  And what diverse choices!
Shakespeare; a novel about a hermaphrodite; and another novel about two old people deciding to sleep together.
I like to get Shakespeare out of the way, so I read a few pages of "Hamlet" early in the morning. I am not a great fan of Shakepeare but certainly realize his importance in the field of literature.  So I push myself on that one.

When I have time in the afternoon, I fit in a few chapters about the hermaphrodite.  "Annabel" is a book that I have already read, but when I saw that it was being discussed at the Amnesty Book Club, I decided to read it again and join the discussion.  I found the book really interesting on the first reading, and I can't miss a good discussion.  On second reading, I often find the book is way better than I realized or, perhaps not so good.  This book seems to be about the same as when I read it previously.  Quite good!

 Then I read about those old folks in bed, at night when I am also in bed.
The first two books are for books clubs, but "Our Souls at Night" was recommended to me by a friend. 

I will be writing in detail about each of them as I finish.
Actually, I am enjoying the variety.  Usually I do not have as many on the go, but I do like a variety in my reading- some biography, some inspiration, a classic, what's new on the shelves.

I have to be careful in book stores.  My latest trip was challenging.  New books look so appealing!  And I do love covers!  And I am persuaded easily!  But I know that I will likely only read the book once and it is not worth the price- especially if it is a disappointment. Or, worse yet, if I can't find time to read it and it joins my bin of unread books.  Oh, no!  Happy Reading!

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